Monday, August 30, 2004

Patch Schedule

For no other reason than its a fun exercise lets try and pick out when the next major patches will be coming out and some of the features we should be seeing. whee.

CRS says they plan to release a patch approx every 6 weeks, they are trying to release patches on a schedule rather than per content. Not a bad idea as any good ww2ol player lives for patch day.....

So 1.15 came out on 7/22/04 (yeah thanks CRS one day before I go on hols with no ww2ol access...waaaah...though I got to play at Ret's house in Sydney). 6 weeks later is week ending Sept 3 (auspicious date for ww2 game) however thats this week and they just locked features for 1.16 and so we wont see it this week. Next week , Sept 9 or so would be nice though I wouldnt be surprised if its the week after , week starting Sept 13.

1.15 has a few things...the introduction of Attack Objectives on bridges. whee, personally I think no one will use them and defenders will run around a lot blowing bridges like crazy. Attack Obj are not going to be used until they are actually required to capture flags.

Again I could be completely wrong , I predicted that people would use the mission spawn timer introduced in 1.6...hahahahahahahah (your sitting there thinking what timer aren't you?).

Oh yeah ATG goodness to - 6pdrs are gonna make Axis players cry.
So...1.15 mid September.

1.16 later October, Early november. Will this be the patch? Will CRS finally bite the bullet and introduce the brigade Orbat? The HCs have been given the orbats they have to work with, (6 army brigades for BEF..ugh) so its coming. God I hope so. 6 brigades for 8 towns supposdly...gonna be fun watching everyone try and pick the town with no defences...:P.
New tanks should arrive: pz IV, Crusader 6pdr and the Sherman (woot)..Will we be seeing new grass tech? More buildings too.

1.17 for Santa! Mid-Late December. Now im just guessing.:)
Different TOEs for brigades?
Tier 2 plane set? FW-190, Spix IX irrc and P-38 for French...French are starting to look almightly US in their equipment set...christ give em Garands already!..
Grass tech?
More buildings.

Well who knows but I think CRS has run out of excuses :) for putting deployment in. The first 6 months of 2005 will be very interesting imho.


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