Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Rules for Paratrooping in WW2OL.

Heres my shot at the rules paras would have to be implemented with in ww2ol.

1. Para infantry is only spawnable at AF AB's.

2. When dropping from transport plane ALL para's are released. It must either be all or nothing. (This is to prevent someone dropping 1 para over a dozen cities for moling gimpery) Credit to Sres for this idea.

3. Para Infantry, and ONLY para infantry may cap flags that are not in front line towns. However they can only cap flags in towns that have a LINK to a frontline town. Why? This is to stop paras being dropped willy nilly over the map to creating moling nightmares for defending troops. I believe that it also reflects the fact that RL commanders would not commit Paras to be dropped deep in the middle of enemy territory when they faced certain death or capture. Consider if you will the major airborne drops of ww2 in ww2ol towns. Crete wouldve had frontline towns (Germany controlled Greece), Normandy was essiantially one town back (English SE coast to Norman coast being the frontline), Eben Emmel(sp) maybe one town back. The Arnhem drops may have been a bit further but still falls within the spirit of the rule.

4. Per 3, Paras can cap flags and can capture towns however they will not get any supply if they have no link to a friendly town, they will either have to have reinforcements dropped by air or be relieved by land.

5. If an AF is a frontline town Paras cannot be spawned at it (to prevent hardcore moling)

6. Para infantry will be a deployed group like a bomber squadron. (Actually I dont know if this will work, will it be part of a brigade? If so how can it be seperate from the rest. Paras infantry shouldnt be enough to be its own brigade)

Still sounds like fun no?


At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having to post anonymously because I forgot my password :(

Still, I like the idea. I would go so far as to say that Para's can only cap depots and civilian CP's and cannot cap the AB itself.

Plane EWS would have to improved to cater for the para drop planes and paras can only be dropped from 250m up and should drop at the standard rate.

Imagine Loadouts? You're in a tight situation, tanks inbound, you need sappers at a town, load them up and drop them behind the tanks.

Paratroopers have everything going for them.


At 2:18 PM, Blogger Troop said...

Oh yah Im completely fascinated with the ideas of paras. I think we all are.:P

Dropping paras should be determind by the physics engine. So, just like when you drop your flaps when your going to fast in a plane, if you drop paras going to low or to fast you'll either die or be seriously wounded. (Oh that'll be fun).

When I wrote the above rules I really didnt take attack objs into account, they really make things different for paras.
Big thing going for paras is the element of surprise. Even if they are jumping onto a ungarrisoned town its gonna be hard if the enemy has 20 minutes prior notice before they can cap anything.
I think maybe distinctions will have to be made between frontline and behind frontline towns.

Arrgh each time I think of this I keep thinking of different combinations to possibly exploit it. Hrrm will post new rules in a cpl of days.

thanks Sres!

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Troop said...

Dunno how hard it would be to code only being able to drop in a certain area. Though I guess it could be a qiuck check of loc vs acceptable mission loc and if !=valid then no jump is allowed. Might make the host churn a little though, dunno, Sres your a coder.:P

I think Id rather see the restriction placed on what they can cap not where they can land. Anyway I have written up another cpl of paragraphs on the idea.



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