Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Chat channels

CRS cant update their chat system quick enough.
3 easy things to make it so much more effective:

1. More channels! Consider your a brigade officer you might need: Brigade chan, Div chan, Objective chan, Squad chan, BEF chan, Air chan...etc etc.

2. Permanent prefixs for different channels: Eh you say? Let me explain......
A prefix would be something that broadcasts on a particular channel before your message everytime you transmit. For example: No. 1 channel slot is my brigade channel and I have my prefix set as '7 IC - ANZAC' ...the engine will provide a [ ] around the prefix when I type 'Spawn Tienan - St. Trud FB' what will show is 'Troop76 [7IC - ANZAC] Spawn Tienan - St. Trud FB'. Maybe on objective channel I have it set to my unit type ie [A13].

Personally I think this would be rather useful in allowing ppl to see whos leading, what unit someone is, what squad someone is in etc.

Now a problem I see is abusing this prefix with profanity or the like. So the other option is to have a set of choices for each channel type.

ie Obj can either be unit type, rank, squad.
Brigade can be rank, ICness, unit type.

And the engine would fill it in for you.

3. Customizable colours for different chat channels. Fairly self explanatory. Let me set my brigade channel to show up on my screen as Green, mabye squad as red...etc. Again another simple tool to allow easier and better communication amongst your fellow players to promote teamwork.


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