Tuesday, June 28, 2005

10 easy dot commands to make the game better.

edited due to stupid formatting errors

Or / commands to appease kfsone.

1. /brigade "text" : Transmits "text" on brigade channel only, in different colour (ie blue). Available to officers only.

2. /mwho : Lists all players on your current mission. Available to all players.

3. /prefix "#" -u -ic: Sets a automatic prefix on channel (#) only available to brigade, mission or objective channel.
-u will give unit type surround by paranthesis,
-ic is only available to mission commander or brigade officer. Sets prefix as OiC or something similar.
So if type /prefix 1 u each time I transmit on slot 1 it will automatically put a (A-13) (for example) in front of the text. Available to all players.

4. /boic -a -hc: -a Lists all officers online for your brigade. -hc Lists only AHC officers online for your brigade.

5. /missions -#: Lists all missions available for your brigade.
-# Gives detailed info (ie origin/target and poster) for that
particular mission.

Ok so that's only five, and yes some of them are just replications of information already available. The important part is that these commands are available while spawned into the game world.

I'll leave it up to you guys to suggest another five.


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