Tuesday, September 07, 2004

1.16 goodies.

Should be a good patch, Im not all that excited about destroying bridges but there are plenty of things in there.

- I like the idea of the number of attack objectives being limited by server population, it APPEARS at this time to be a reasonable solution to Euro time map rushes. While its not going to stop them taking towns it should stop them from taking 10 at a time.

- New buildings: Cant go wrong with some new eye candy. New flag building and the new church look espcially good.

- New supply link into Bertrix. This has been a LONG time coming and will make the French very happy, no more Bertrixgrad.

- In game map: Wow bunch of features on this, looks very exciting.

- New anti tank guns: Im gonna go out on a limb and says this sucks more for the Axis than it does us. Why? Because the 6pdr is the anti 3H. The axis are not going to like an anti tank weapon that punches through there favourite tank frontally at long range. AHC better RDP this second.


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