ww2ol, civ3 and the Redsox
ok its been a while and Ive barely played ww2ol. In fact I may have only spawned in once for this campaign.
Supposdly this is a seasonally low time for player numbers and boy does it show. Logging on at around 10pm EST and your lucky to find one town contested. I tried playing some last night to get my mind off the red sox (more on this later) and took a Dewo from Vliss to meet up with some squadies over Roos (still looking for that elusive FAF rank). I just start to dive down to investigate when the wife calls me. I cannot BEGIN TO TELL YOU how many planes Ive lost that way having to go afk because of her..So I get annoyed, still no action and quit. Tried playing some OFP , got bored, saw the Red Sox tied and ended up watching the rest of the game.
WOOT RED SOX! Seriously its gonna give me an ulcer and the only reason I ended up watching the game was because we took the lead. WHOS GOT THE F'ING BETTER BULLPEN NOW HUH?? HOWS YOUR PRECIOUS K-ROD?!? haha. Sorry. Bring on game 3 , pleeeeaaase let them sweep.
Ok so now lets talk about my latest Civ 3 game for something different. I simply cant play anything but egyptian...industrius + religious is just too good. Great worker bonuses and no ridicolously long disorders while changing governments. I have a nice big empire with a large powerful Romans to my south..who are starting to get annoyed at me...they also have a heap of troops in my territory moving to kill the Greeks or something. Greeks , Persians, Babys are on the E side of the continent with the two halfs connected by a smallish land bridge. Which btw I dominate and have a wall of fortresses with each square garrisoned...theres one space open to let the Romans GET THE F OFF MY LAND.
So anyway I finally gained the tech lead around 'Steel' and got a golden age shortly after WOOT!...Theres a smaller island off the main continent inhabited by the Germans and Zulus who are way back in tech...So I invaded for something to do.
I originally established a foothold in a short war I had with the Babylonians. They declared war on me for some stupid reason and I just drafted a bunch of infantry and protected all my cities. They never launched any serious attacks and I built a bunch of cavalry and arty and took the 3-4 cities they had behind my territory (I always like to shore up my lines) and those cities on the other continent. No elite victoires though..:( (Damn those are hard!).
Anyway built a decent transport fleet and shipped some Cav over and attacked the German cities...finished easily and I got my Leader..woot! Was in the Golden Age so I got tanks pretty quickly and started mass producing veteran tanks. Germans were dispatched and I took a quick 10 cities off the Zulu...they start mass producing all those idiots unit which annoy the crap out of you...impis, cavalry, muskeeters/rifleman..Is there anything more annoying than losing a tank to a f'ing IMPI?? I MEAN GIVE ME A BREAK!?!. Eventually my populace got restless and I declared a truce..and then at the same time lost my golden age before I got computers...
This is usually where I give up on my Civ games. Attacking cities stocked to the gills with infantry is simply too annoying. I thinking maybe I'll research nukes and bomb the rest of the world into submission. Really Im starting to get bored already and Id like to finish a game for once. I asked the Romans to move their forces out of my territory and they declared war so Im going to have to redo that (all my tanks are on the other continent). And the Romans will FLOOD me with shitty units anyway..which wont be fun. And the border is to big to try and garrison the whole thing...
Hrrm note to self does motorized inf have ZOC? Still thats a f'ing lot of territory to cover. I wish the AI wasnt so retarded.
And I wish naval units moved quicker, they really are useless due to their lack of MP's (espcially consider how quick rail moves over land and its NOT Realistic).
Well anyway I really really should finish one game of it. Maybe, like Im supposed to finish BG II and KOTOR...yeah whatever.:P~
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