Im such a lazy blogger.
Cause I got nothing than a random 'notes' post.
- My son loves flying planes in ww2ol. Actually let me rephrase that, he loves crashing planes in ww2ol. He thinks it's funny, not so good for my stats though. That's why he will one day inherit the second account I'm getting.
My PC is in the basement and he will wander down the stairs and say 'Daddy are you playing the army team game?'. Minitroop does love the 'army team'. He can actually fly a JU-52 level and straight (who cant?), I like to tell my passengers who's piloting the plane about mid-flight. heh.
- Firebombs for newegg if the cpu and mobo aren't here by Friday. Funny how they 'found' the postal order they received on Thursday!?! just on Monday after I called them twice about it and bitched out the last girl who took my call.
- Joint Operations kinda blows. Mortars implementation is nice though.
- Have to figure out if the video out on my new graphics card is helpful. Be nice if I could run that to my second pc to record the output. I still have grand plans for making some kickarse ww2ol movies. ('Group of Mates' is in pre-production..:D)
- In 4 years I've never been on the front page for the ww2ol newspaper. Man I suck.
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